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True Beauty

I was in class today when I realized something that is ever changing and that has constantly always been on my mind and its true beauty. I realized that beauty cannot be measured by the amount of likes someone has on their social media accounts or by the compliments someone receives throughout the day, but it is measured in the small moments. It’s measured in the overlooked peaceful seconds of bliss, in the way someone speaks emphatically, or in the way a person loves another.

You get to a point in life where you realize true beauty is not in the superficial things, but in these collections of moments that stay with us. Beauty is in the way she smiles as she takes her first sip of tea. It’s in the way he nods his head to 80s music. It’s in the way she blushes when he entwines his fingers with hers. It’s in the way someone loves; boldly, unapologetically, fearlessly. It’s in those little moments and yes, many of us look over these subtle seconds, but when we do stop to look we can’t help feeling that things will be okay.

I’ve found these glances between strangers to be breathtaking. I can only wish to capture and imagine what one feels when they engulf their lover in their arms. I can only imagine what each person describes as true beauty. I’ve found that I find it in the most obscure places.

I’ve found it in my morning cup of tea, in the way his sweet honey eyes stare at nature, in my mom’s laugh, in his boyish smile, in the grass growing day to day, I’ve found this beauty everywhere and I can’t believe that sometimes I go day to day without taking a chance to just stop and admire this gift God gave me. There are so many moments that add up to this lifetime of memories and little gifts of joy. I can only hope to continuously capture the soft hand strokes, the eye contact, the still moments that one will remember forever.

Society has desensitized this and throws superficial things that mean nothing at us and I can only hope that you see beauty in a new way. I hope you find it in the most unexpected places. Look around at how lucky we are to live in a world that is constantly changing, evolving, and loving. Find beauty in the things we all take for granted because in the end they will probably be the things that stick with us for the rest of our lives.

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